SiS Ergo | M Series NESTING

SiS Ergo, the pioneers of the height-adjustable table, are back with yet another flexible and ergonomic solution for the modern workplace.

Two-person flip-top mobile training tables have existed successfully in the workplace for some time, but this solution does not address the ergonomic conundrum of full-day training sessions. Just as people have now realized with their workstation, sitting for long periods drains you of energy, and the lack of movement is unhealthy.

M-Series Nesting combines nesting and mobile single-user desking with the benefits of sit-to-stand. SiS Ergo’s spring manually-operated height-adjustable M-Series mechanism quickly and easily adjusts without the use of electric power.

Nesting’s unique, individually-sized flower petal shape design allows for quick room reconfiguration from training rows to round huddle groups. The desktops can even be optioned with dry-erase white board laminate, allowing the users to jot down notes during a huddle or meeting, flip the top to 90 degrees, raise the desk, and present on their own personal white board. All of these functions combine into a single, intuitively-designed training table, designed and built in Denmark, and backed by a 10-year mechanical/lifetime workmanship warranty.

Bring your training room into the future with an ergonomic, innovative and flexible resource for your 21st century office.

For more information on the M Series NESTING:

See it in action!

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